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  • March 23, 2021

Most Common Air Compressor Parts

One of the most common problems people face when thinking of replacing parts on their air compressor is not knowing exactly what part is being replaced. In most cases, unless you are trained in the area, you will need to move on to the section description. 

Below are some common compressor parts and their descriptions. So if you are looking for a replacement, you can determine exactly what you need from

1. The first step in determining which part you need is knowing your air compressor model. These can usually be found on the air compressor or in the accompanying manual. 

2. Different types are made and most need to be replaced with components from the same company that made them. However, some companies make parts that can be used interchangeably in other machines.

3. The most common part of a machine that needs to be replaced with an air compressor is the hose that leads from the main compressed air tank to the outlet where the air exits. If you see a hose burst, you must replace the hose as soon as possible. 

4. If you see the outer layer starting to tear from the start, that's also a sign that it needs to be replaced. Some people try to glue them together, but this is only a temporary solution. Leaving the hose jammed for too long will further damage the machine.

Roberta Garcia

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