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  • January 12, 2022

Benefits Of Becoming Sustainable Can Help Any Business Or Organization

When sustainability is the topic there are many companies that are stuck in a rut. What exactly does sustainability mean? Can it truly benefit the company? What are the advantages? As an organization, how will sustainability affect profitability?

Ten years ago, sustainability was a buzzword. People were calling and emailing to ask whether there is any information on sustainability or how they could start investigating it, and so on. Nowadays, also the necessity of sustainability has come into consideration. Therefore, organizations like Acholi Resilience are contributing their part to this initiative.

There was a moment when something changed. It was like a perfect storm. The economy went into a slump. Everyone began to be cautious about spending. People were fired and facilities were shut down and only the essential items received any financial support.

Let's face it, the majority of businesses are stuck in that mentality. The majority of companies operating in the United States are utilizing leaner and more conservative than they have ever.

Yes, they'll invest money and build layout capital but only when it's necessary. Simply because something is trendy or trending does not mean it's worth tossing money at.

However, sustainability isn't only trendy. It's not just a trend that's temporary. It's not going out of fashion. You would never be able to do business the way we did in the 1950s.

If you're saying 'No' to any of them then stop reading and get back to your daydreams. It's not about you, but about what's to come shortly. Your kids. Your children's children. Your grandchildren and children will be influenced by these choices now.

Roberta Garcia

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