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  • October 19, 2021

CBD-Infused Recovery Drink Serves Up Functional Benefits

If you listen to coaches and instructors, you'll find three letters popping up all the time: CBD. It's easy to see why. CBD products blend perfectly with what athletes need. You don't have to be an athlete to enjoy energy drink + focus blend, but those who do will definitely feel the effects.

Manufacturers extract the CBD from the hemp plant grown in the United States. This means the premium range of CBD is of the highest quality. Take the CBD from the hemp plant and even extract traces of THC, which means you don't have to worry about the intoxicating content associated with cannabis-based CBD. 

If you're ready to try a natural alternative to most of the other sugary energy drinks on the market, the rehab recovery supplement drink mix is perfect for you. Cannabidiol, or CBD, seems to be the new blueberry making its way into all kinds of beverages these days, from CBD teas to various CBD coffee brands. 

If you are wondering, "What is CBD?", it is a naturally occurring compound found in the cannabis plant. According to the World Health Organization, it's non-addictive, has a solid safety profile, and won't level you up. It is effective in treating epilepsy in clinical trials and has shown promise in treating a number of other conditions.

The beverage market is flooded with CBD products that promise to help you relax, sleep, de-stress, and unwind, all without the hangover you get from alcohol (CBD is considered a controlled substance and at least it's allowed not to be legally mixed with alcohol yet).

Roberta Garcia

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