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  • August 23, 2021

Finding the Best Home Warranty – Where to Start

The house warranty continues to grow in popularity because they make sense. You have put a lot of money into your home and into what's in it. Naturally, you want to protect the investment, and the house warranty is the best way to do that. Now the question is to find the best home warranty service providers for you.

What's Covered?

Consider what you want to discuss in your home warranty plan. Do you want your kitchen equipment – a dishwasher, fridge, and oven ranges to be included? Or do you only care about the main system-plumbing, AC, heating, etc.? After you decide exactly what you want to discuss, look at different warranty companies. Some of them offer packages that can be tailored to your needs while others have a type of plan to choose from.

Are There Pre-Existing Conditions? 

Some companies have existing conditions before being considered. There is nothing more frustrating than paying the coverage you think you get, just to know when something is broken that the company will not discuss it because of the existing conditions. Read fine print.

Does the Plan Replace or Repair?

Some plans offer replacement for damaged equipment or systems, but others will only fix it. For small repairs, this is not a big problem. However, if you have a tool that keeps being damaged repeatedly, you might want a replacement. You also want to find out what they will change the damaged items.

Roberta Garcia

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