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  • March 12, 2022

How Crowdfunding Helps Startups?

Crowdfunding is now an alternative funding source for startups due to technological advancements. Crowdfunding, if you aren't familiar with the concept, is another way to raise funds online from large numbers of people. You simply need to create a campaign, upload it to a crowdfunding site, and then make it viral using social media. 

People who care about your project and are interested in it will support it. They will receive a reward, equity, or other benefits in return. You can also read a crowdlending guide: How to invest in P2P lending to know more about crowdfunding. There are many types of crowdfunding. Two of the best ones for startups are:

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1. Reward-based Crowdfunding:

This type of crowdfunding gives backers a reward for their contributions. You could choose to receive a thank-you note, or an early bird custom product. This reward demonstrates the owner's gratitude towards the backer. These are the things that money cannot buy and give the backer a special feeling.

2. Equity-based Crowdfunding:

People who contribute to your campaign will receive equity/shares from the company in return. Entrepreneurs are now less stressed by this unusual method of raising funds. Entrepreneurs no longer have to approach investors and convince them until the end. It doesn't take a lot of time to give presentations to many people. You can simply present your business online.

Crowdfunding allows entrepreneurs to present their ideas to a wider audience than to specific investors. It is easier than ever to find people who are like-minded and to help you with your project. Everyone can contribute to your idea. All you have to do is make sure people are aware of it.


Roberta Garcia

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