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  • September 27, 2022

How To Compost Your Garbage?

Composting is the process of turning organic waste into soil or mulch. It’s a great way to reduce the amount of waste that goes to the landfill, and it can be fun too! So if you're looking for ways to improve the quality of your soil through composting methods, you can check here.

Piles of Separated Recyclables Inside Waste Facility

Image Source: Google

Here are some tips for composting your garbage:

1. Get a compost bin- A good compost bin will have a lid that’s secured with hinges or a strap, so you can easily open it to add materials. Make sure the bin is big enough to hold all of your food scraps and other organic materials.

2. Add moist material first- Add water, tea leaves, coffee grounds, or other liquids first before adding solids. This will help liquefy the materials and make them easier to mix in with the soil.

3. Keep things stirred up Mixing your materials regularly helps them break down more quickly.

4. Avoid adding plastic bags and other synthetic materials- These materials don’t decompose well and can end up in landfills instead of becoming soil.

5. Harvest compost when it’s ready- When the compost is mostly decomposed and dark brown, it’s ready to use. You can use it as the soil in your garden or use it as mulch around plants.

By turning your garbage into compost, you are helping to improve the soil in your garden, reduce waste going to landfills, and create valuable nutrients that can be used by plants. 


Roberta Garcia

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