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  • June 10, 2020

Importance of Low Carb Foods

Carbohydrates can be a source of energy for our body, but if consumed in excess, they can spell added weight and less endurance. Many people take carbohydrates because they believe that the sugar can give their minds a boost; and that the starch can give their body more energy. If this energy is unused however, the body can translate the extra heat as a means to gain more fat and weight. If you are looking for the best restraint in Farmington then you can explore the web. 

If you need a mind booster, take proteins; if you need energy, take a few fats then work out. Here is a list of low carb foods that you might want to consider, so you do not deprive your body of carbohydrate necessary requirements.

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Here is a list of low carb foods that you might want to consult as you decrease your carbohydrate intake without scrimping on the food. High on the list are fresh fruits and vegetables. Some vegetables, however, such as potatoes and sweet potatoes, which are high in starch native, and can actually increase your weight.

Stick to green salads by adding lettuce, endives, radishes, cucumbers, peppers, and celery to your plate. You can also have one cup each day of artichokes, pumpkin, cabbage, okra, cauliflower, bean sprouts, leaks, and tomato.

Roberta Garcia

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