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  • November 16, 2020

Myths, you need to know about drones

training drone pilot

Currently, drone technologies' business value has been increasing, besides the opportunity for solution providers to create innovative solutions that solve unique business issues. Still, there are several myths and misconceptions about what drones do and how.

Some myths identified by experts who offer drone pilot training and the reality behind them:

  • Drones are spying on- Even today, the majority of the business houses shy away from drone technology due to the gloomy portals in media that drones invade privacy. But you need to know that such generalizations cannot be made as businesses aren't familiar with what drones bring the industry. Above all, drones would be ineffective spy devices if they are noisy enough to be heard.
  • Business can run drones on their own- There is no denying of the fact that business cannot operate drones on their own, but one thing you need to know is that drone solution providers offer everything from training to services. They ensure that the autonomous operation of drones is successful. To expect the unexpected, it is essential to implement a drone operation plan.
  • Drone business opportunities are minimum- There is nothing surprising to know that drone experts have disagreed with a statement like drones can do only a few things, and they are expensive to use and maintain. But in reality, there is an opportunity for drone technology to solve problems in all sectors. 

Considering the myths, the reality is that drones are here to stay and offer several opportunities for the development of various industries. 

Roberta Garcia

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