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  • July 16, 2020

Pet Medications Are Essential to Your Pet’s Health!

Pets of all species and breeds, like humans, need medications to keep healthy through all stages of life. Trips to the vet are essential for the well being of your dog or cat. Like us, our pets need to keep up a routine checkup with their veterinarian. Various ailments will occur during different stages in your pet's life. To get pet medical care service you can also click at

Like humans, our pets can get sick with similar ailments. They tend to have more floor contact, drink stale water, and are prone to parasites. Some common ailments are heartworm, tapeworm, fleas, ticks, and more.

Most of these can be treated with over the counter medications. Flea and tick collars can be placed around your pet neck as well as flea and tick cream. There are quite a few choices for otc pet medications; your local store will carry them all.

For more extreme cases, the vet will be able to write a prescription for the medications. In this case, they will be filled at the veterinary pharmacy, or they will be mailed to you. Be sure to follow the directions on the packaging or your vet's instructions exactly. We don't want side effects or overdoses to occur.

One more thing, when trying out new medications for your pets, be sure to keep a record of doses and any adverse side effects that may occur. Look for diarrhea, emotional changes, eating patterns disrupted, or vomiting. If you notice anything like this, contact your vet.

Roberta Garcia

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