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  • June 9, 2020

Renewed Wood Floors Are A Sound Investment

Renewed wooden floors are an important choice for consumers in renovating historic homes, new buildings, and commercial buildings. When green traffic picks up speed, wood regeneration becomes the ideal building material for environmentally friendly building contractors. 

You can get more info here about hardwood floors which are the best choice for the environment for several reasons. Steel products emit 24 times more hazardous chemicals in the manufacture of wood products. 

Wood requires less energy for production. Brick uses four times more energy, concrete six times, and steel 40 times more energy than wood. Timber certification is a growing trend. 

Wood floors that are remade without being cut down are specialized industries and are often made by small businesses as shown in transparency. Renewed wood usually needs more work and construction to make it look perfect. 

Wood needs to be carefully cut to isolate defects in stems or beams that may have been growing for several hundred years. Additional time is needed to produce the highest quality wood and reduce waste to a minimum. 

Depending on its thickness, the wood must be air-dried and the stove carefully dried to adjust the basic water content for an appropriate adjustment to the expected building humidity and average temperature. 

Wood regeneration is often sorted repeatedly by rubbing, drying the oven, grinding, and finally during packing to ensure that you have received the class you ordered.

Roberta Garcia

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