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  • November 12, 2021

Silo Storage System – Custom Design Is Important

When putting a silo storage facility into operation, it must take into account the type of material to be stored. Wall size and thickness, shape, flow direction, equipment required, and many other issues will vary depending on the use. 

Each silo is custom-made for future use. You can also look for the best silo construction via

Silo inspection

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Storage bins are very useful in the material handling and storage business. Not only do farmers use silos to store corn and other crops, but businesses around the world use them to store chemicals, other liquids, and solids while waiting to board ships waiting overseas or on trains to be transported to locations by truck.

The production of silos and bunkers produces single and group silos with lines and platforms, doors, and stairs according to customer requirements. Any necessary adaptations or combined silo systems can be designed and manufactured to order.

Mixing and accumulation of contents may occur inside, leading to an even delivery of the mixture through the outlet. An evenly distributed moisture content is also important for the transport of properly stored goods.

Silo ancillary equipment includes dust protection filter flanges, corridors between decks, ladders with spiral or vertical cages or without maintenance baskets, vacuum pressure relief devices, and nozzles for level control.

Finding the right silo manufacturing company is critical, and keeping a company that will come to you on-site to design, install and then organize the rest of the additional equipment is critical for long-term, inexpensive and trouble-free silo storage.

Roberta Garcia

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