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  • August 31, 2022

What Are The Costs Associated With Hiring A Bookkeeper?

Hiring a bookkeeper can be an expensive proposition, depending on the services that are required. A small company may not need a full-time bookkeeper, and might only need part-time help. A larger company might have a full-time bookkeeper on staff, and might also need an accountant or other financial professional to help with bookkeeping. Many people are curious to know how much a bookkeeper costs

book keeper cost


Here are some of the costs associated with hiring a bookkeeper:

-The salary of the bookkeeper

-The cost of software or software subscriptions necessary for bookkeeping

-The cost of office supplies, such as paper and pens

-The cost of travel necessary for the bookkeeper to meet with clients or review books and records

-The cost of time spent training the new bookkeeper

There are a number of costs associated with hiring a bookkeeper. The most basic cost is the salary of the bookkeeper. This will vary depending on the qualifications and experience of the bookkeeper, but on average, a bookkeeper’s salary will be around $50,000 per year. Another cost is the cost of software that the bookkeeper needs to do her job. This can include programs like QuickBooks or Microsoft Office 365.

Finally, there are other costs associated with running a bookkeeping business, such as rent, office supplies, and advertising.


Roberta Garcia

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