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  • April 19, 2022

A Brief Overview Of Dental Teeth Cleaning In Vaughan

Plaque can be difficult to keep at bay even for the most dedicated of flossers and brushers. While regular brushing and flossing can reduce plaque buildup on your teeth, it is not enough to eliminate it. Professional cleaning of your teeth will keep your teeth in tip-top shape.

Plaque is first noticed in yellow stains on teeth. Plaque is formed by food particles that are not properly brushed away. You can also make an appointment for teeth cleaning in Vaughan via

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It is possible to get gingivitis if tartar has taken root. This is an inflammation of your gums. A dentist can treat even this condition without causing any discomfort or pain. Gingivitis can be left untreated, which could lead to periodontal disease.

Periodontal disease is a condition that can lead to loss of bone supporting your teeth, and eventually the loss of the tooth. You are responsible for the health and well-being of your teeth. You will only need to have your teeth cleaned once or twice per year if you practice good dental hygiene.

The process of cleaning your teeth has improved dramatically over the last few years. It can now be done in one session. Ultrasonic cleaning equipment is preferred by dentists as it speeds up the process and does a much better job than hand instruments. Ultrasonic cleaning equipment not only cleans your teeth but also the areas below and between your teeth.

Roberta Garcia

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