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  • November 19, 2020

Bathroom Remodeling Check List

Remodeling the bathroom is the best way to increase the sale value of your home after renovating the kitchen. This can be a small or large bathroom remodel, but either way, if done right, can lead to a higher price tag when selling your home.

Bathroom renovation checklist not needed, but close. Before you start your project, you can use the bathroom remodeling checklist to gather your ideas in one place. This can help you assess time, cost, and effort. You can also navigate to to hire a bathroom remodeler.

The list of bathroom renovations offered here may differ from others but can be tailored to suit your needs. You may even want two lists. Make a to-do list and the second list of unnecessary things that you would like to rearrange in your bathroom if possible.

1. Design: Before you start remodeling your bathroom, take some time to design the finished space. There are a number of useful digital design software programs that you can use if you are doing it yourself.

2. Approval: After you finish your design, you will know what you did when you remodel your bathroom. You need to get a permit from your city or county. If you use a contractor, make sure all permits are in place before you start work.

3. Walls: Does your bathroom remodeling project include laying or remodeling walls? If the walls need to be moved this can be the first step. You may want to add a new window or move the door to remodel your bathroom. Plan it carefully.

Bathroom renovation checklists are sometimes provided by your contractor. Several artists publish detailed lists online. It's important to take the time to fully plan your bathroom redevelopment project from start to finish.

Roberta Garcia

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