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  • September 14, 2020

Creating A Corporation & Company Registration In Philippines

Each country has unique laws and procedures for creating a business.

Furthermore, different forms of businesses including proprietorship, partnership, and corporation likewise have their own procedures for creation. To know about company registration you can search the websites of services providers online like emerhub.

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You may use the process below or hire a company that presents business consulting Philippines to help you build a corporation.

Step 1 Company Name

The initial step is to decide on a company name. You should have two other alternatives in mind. Go to the Securities and Exchange Commission (Philippines) website to input your choice for the company name and check that it hasn't been used. It is free to use this system.

Upon finding a name get it. There is a small fee due within 30 and up to 120 days and must be renewed upon termination should you neglect to pay the required amount.

Step 2 Show them the money

Deposit sanctioned capital stock of the corporation to a certified bank and secure a certificate of deposit. Some banks charge fees. This usually takes a time to undertake

Step 3 Notarize documents of Incorporation

Get a paper model of the articles of association from the SEC. It's thick and might take you time to fill up. Once you have filled in the details notarize it. Expect to pay a fee to notarize and for the paper document of the articles of incorporation.

Step 4 Register

Company Registration in the Philippines takes a few days and lots of paperwork. Get all your documents so they can verify things are in order. Signatures may be required so make sure directors and officers are present.

Roberta Garcia

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