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  • January 20, 2023

Different Types Of Retractable Patio Shades In Arizona

If you're looking for a way to add some extra shade to your patio without having to tear down and build something new, retractable patio shades might be just the ticket. Here's a look at the different types of retractable shades and what they offer:

1. Manual Shades: These are probably the simplest type of retractable patio shade in Arizona, just a set of strings or a cord that you pull to close the shade. They're easy to install but can get messy if you have small kids or pets hanging around.

2. Electric Shades: These are definitely more popular than manual shades because they're easier to operate and clean. You simply plug them in and they'll start working automatically. However, they can be more expensive than manual shades and may not work in cold weather climates.

3. Solar-Controlled Shades: These shades use solar power to close or open, which makes them very energy-efficient. While they usually cost a bit more than electric shades, their long life savings may make them worth it in the long run.

4. Remote Control Shades: These are similar to solar-controlled shades in that they use electricity to control the closing and opening of the shade. However, these also have buttons that allow you to manually adjust the shading even when there's no sunlight available. 

Ultimately, the best way to choose the right retractable patio shade and install it yourself is to decide what your needs are and consult with a company that deals with shades. They can help you determine the type of shade that is best for your patio and provide installation instructions should you need them.

Roberta Garcia

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