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  • June 8, 2023

Expert Tips For Commercial Lawn Care and Maintenance In Scottsdale, AZ

Maintaining a commercial lawn can be quite challenging as it requires expertise and dedication. A well-maintained commercial lawn can add immense value to any property, be it residential or commercial. Here are some expert tips for commercial lawn care and maintenance that can help you keep your lawn looking healthy and beautiful: 

1. Choose the Right Grass: When it comes to commercial lawn care, the most important factor in selecting the right type of grass. Consider factors such as climate, soil type, irrigation requirements, and mowing frequency before making a selection. To learn more about commercial lawn maintenance services in Scottsdale, AZ, you can also browse various online sources.

2. Mowing: Mowing is one of the most important aspects of commercial lawn care. Ensure that you mow the lawn regularly and at the right height. This will help to keep the grass looking healthy.

3. Fertilization: Fertilizing your lawn regularly is important for its health and growth. Make sure that you use the right fertilizer for your type of grass.

4. Weed Control: Weeds can be a major problem when it comes to commercial lawns. Make sure to use the right types of herbicides and weed killers to get rid of any unwanted weeds.

5. Irrigation: Having a proper irrigation system in place is very important for commercial lawns. Make sure that it is regularly maintained and that it is delivering the right amount of water to the lawn.


Maintaining a commercial lawn can be quite challenging but with the right knowledge and dedication, you can keep your lawn looking healthy and beautiful. Following the expert tips for commercial lawn care and maintenance mentioned above can help you keep your lawn looking its best.

Roberta Garcia

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