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  • December 5, 2022

Why Measuring Tools Maintenance is Important?

If your gauges are not working properly, you could end up making some pretty costly mistakes. For example, if you’re using a micrometer and it’s out of calibration, you might think that a certain part is made to spec when it falls short. If you’re manufacturing a lot of parts, this could lead to a huge problem down the road—you may have to recall all of the parts you’ve already manufactured because they don’t fit with the parts that are going out next. It can also be dangerous if your micrometer isn’t working properly. For example, if your gauge reads 5mm when there is only 4mm at that point, then you might end up cutting too much metal off with your shear, which would cause an accident and could even result in injury.

If you want to protect yourself from these kinds of problems, you should make sure your gadgets are always in good shape and working properly. You should always follow good maintenance procedures like cleaning and lubricating them every time they’re used. This will help to ensure that they work right away when you need them and last a long time.

What are the benefits of maintaining measuring tools?

1. Accuracy: 

Accuracy is important in any profession, but it’s especially crucial in industries where measurements are vital. For example, if you’re a construction worker with inaccurate measuring tape, you could end up building a foundation that’s off by several inches, which would be disastrous for the stability of a structure. This is why it’s so important that measuring instruments receive regular care and maintenance.

Slight changes to the temperature or humidity can impact the accuracy of many measuring tools. The most common example is a thermometer. If it isn’t stored in the proper temperature range (usually at room temperature), its calibration can change, making it difficult to accurately determine the temperature of your surroundings. The same thing goes for humidity; if your tools are exposed to too much moisture or too little, they may not be able to provide accurate readings.

When you use measuring tools regularly, you may also find that their accuracy naturally declines over time. For example, frequent impacts can cause them to lose their calibration. 

2. Extended Life:

Your tools will last longer with the right care. It's important to maintain your precision tools and help them last as long as possible. For example, if you don't properly lubricate a measuring instrument, it will wear out faster. A pen-sized tool called a micrometer might be an essential part of your measurements, but it can get damaged if you don't clean the lens regularly. When you wipe it off with a cloth, make sure to follow the instructions for your specific model. Use the correct cloth for each task, and replace worn-out clothes immediately.

An inexpensive microfiber cloth is great for cleaning lenses because it doesn't leave lint behind as other materials do. If you're not sure how to clean your measuring instrument, ask someone who works with these tools all the time or look up the information in a handbook that came with your device. Your micrometer might have a storage case that keeps it safe when not in use; check if there are any extra steps or recommendations for using or storing the tool while inside its case. You'll find that by taking proper care of your measuring instruments, they last longer and serve you better.

3. Low Cost:

A new tool is a big investment, but it can also be an investment in your business's long-term profitability. It’s essential to choose the right tool for the job and then take care of it properly. This way you’ll get the most out of your investment and use it longer.

Instruments that have been properly cared for will last longer and require fewer repairs, which in turn lead to significant savings. The following are things you should do:

Wipe off your tools with a lint-free cloth every time you use them. Keep your cabinets clean by wiping them down every week or so with a lint-free cloth. Move stored instruments around once in a while to make sure they aren't stuck in one place. Make sure you have enough space between them so they can move around freely.

Use the correct cleaning products. The solvent you use to clean your tools has to be able to dissolve the grease, dirt, etc., you want it to remove without damaging the instrument or paint finish. Never mix solvents – always test a small patch on a hidden area of your instrument before using it on the rest of the surface. 

Damam Hardware is one of the leading measuring tools suppliers in Sharjah for all your measuring tools, shop equipment, hardware, and different supplies. We offer a full line of products for all your business needs. If you are looking for measuring tools, shop equipment, or hardware, we are your one-stop shop. We carry a wide variety of supplies and measuring equipment as well as all the hardware and tools you need to run your business. Our wide selection and knowledgeable staff will help you find whatever you need to run your business efficiently.

Roberta Garcia

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