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  • December 24, 2022

Why You Should Choose Marine Refrigeration Instead Of Air-Conditioning

One of the most common questions people ask us is whether or not they should choose marine refrigeration over air conditioning. And the answer, unfortunately, is a resounding no. Air conditioning is expensive and energy-intensive, while marine refrigeration is both more efficient and cheaper. If you're looking to buy marine refrigeration you may click on this website

Air-Conditioning is a Huge Energy Saver

Air conditioning is a huge energy saver, but it's not the only way to save energy. If you're thinking about switching to marine refrigeration, here are some reasons why you should:

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Marine refrigeration uses far less energy than air conditioning. A typical window AC unit uses around 120 kWh per month, while a marine refrigerator using the same size compressor can use as little as 10 kWh per month. That's a whopping 800% savings!

Marine refrigeration is also much more environmentally friendly. A window AC unit requires electricity from the grid to run and emits greenhouse gases in the process. 

Marine Refrigeration is More Environmentally Friendly

Marine refrigeration is more environmentally friendly because it doesn't require as much energy to operate. The average air conditioning unit uses 10 to 20 times the electricity of a marine unit, making marine refrigeration an environmentally friendly choice. Additionally, marine refrigeration releases no greenhouse gases when in operation.

Marine Refrigeration is More Secure

Marine refrigeration is more secure than air-conditioning because it doesn't rely on electricity. This means that marine refrigeration is less susceptible to power outages and other disruptions. In addition, marine refrigeration can be installed in areas where air-conditioning would not be appropriate, such as near the water's edge. 

Marine Refrigeration is More Durable

Marine refrigeration is more durable than air-conditioning. Marine refrigeration can withstand the extreme temperatures and vibrations of marine use, as well as saltwater environments. Air-conditioning units are susceptible to damage from water, ice, and other contaminants. 


Roberta Garcia

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